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20 Beautiful Food Structure Edible Architecture Make You Hungry

vanila taj mahal

As humans, food is any substance we eat for nutrition or even pleasure. You must see world best design from talented architecture that use for constructing a building. Here is something different way presentations of designs.
But what if food was used as a medium for edible Architecture art? You must appreciate these Advance Photo effects of beautiful Architecture that make you Hungry. This Contest is held in Worth1000.com.
banana house

Underleaf Cottage

Pumpkin House

Apartment Rentals Anyone?

Shroom Shack


Pineapple Hut

Cherry House


Corn Castle

Nut House

Banana Lighthouse

Peapod Community

Fruit village

Edible Architecture

Banana Tower

Eiffel Pear

Mountain Cabin

Happy Halloween

Home Coming

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